Monday, April 2, 2007

Cellular Forecast

Hi and welcome to my new blog which will be used for descriptions of my latest ebooks and my opinions of what's hot and what's not in our crazy little mental world.

So let's start with Cellular Forecast - it's a 40+ page ebook on how to turn the ubiquitous cell phone into a powerful tool for the mentalist. Be it cards, drawings or objects, you will be able to create unique and amazing effects.

Imagine sitting in a bar or café with a friend and asking them to name something they can see. You direct them to your cell phone and play the only video file on it - and the video is a clear and direct prediction of what they would say.

The 40+ page ebook comes with routines for cards, coins, drawing duplications and more plus a couple of ideas from the fertile mind of Paolo Cavalli.

Here's what some lovely people have to say about it.

Millard Longman: "A great idea and very nicely written!"

Bill Cushman: "David Numen’s Cellular Forecast is a cellphone tour de force. Get ready for a “why didn’t I think of that” moment. And then a big grin as you realize the endless possibilities available to you with David’s methods. In case you need a jumpstart, David includes a wide variety of applications for Celluar Forecast but take the time to make this your own. Obtain one cell phone and apply a liberal dose of creativity."

Enrique Enriquez: “I think it is brilliant – you are making a very useful contribution to the field. You are turning a common object that many people own in to a very useful and versatile tool for mentalism. It is a beautiful thing.”

Paolo Cavalli: "Cellular Forecast can be considered in my opinion the "next step forward" for doing predictions."

I am releasing this today at the special price of $35 for the first 50 copies sold, after which the price will be $42.

Payment by paypal only - just click on the buy now button below.
Any enquiries please contact me at Delivered straight to your email within 24 hours of receipt of payment.

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